Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 22: Issues 83-86 Review

The end is now very much in sight for the Warhammer 40,000 Imperium partwork subscription. Join us for a deep-dive into the penultimate delivery in our Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 22: Issues 83-86 Review.

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Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 22: Issues 83-86 Review – Introduction

With only one more delivery to arrive after this one, the Warhammer 40,000 Imperium subscription service is coming to its end. With only issues 87-90 remaining – and two awesome figures yet to be delivered – every issue now counts.

Thankfully, Issues 83-86 offer up some interesting and good-value models that will have Warhammer 40,000 fans old and new reaching for their glue and paints. Read on for a closer look at everything available this month!

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 22: Issues 83-86 Review – Contents

Alongside the usual spread of four magazines and, in this case, three new miniatures – one of which will look familiar to anyone who picked up issues 81-82 – anyone who grabs themselves a copy of Issue 86 will find themselves with one of the three sprues needed to build the awesome Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought.

Warhammer 40000 Imperium Delivery 22 Issues 83-86 Contents All

We’ll have a closer look at this all now, starting with those magazines.

The Magazines

Issue 83 – which nets you your third and final Paragon Warsuit to (hopefully!) buddy-up with those in issues 81-82 – also features a great deal of stuff about the Aeldari (or Eldar, as they are now only occasionally known).

Warhammer 40000 Imperium Delivery 22 Issues 83-86 Issue 83 (2)

Whilst this issue also gives you the build and painting guide for this final warsuit, as well as a new mission to play with your collection of figures, just about all the lore and background stuff include in this magazine is devoted to those wily space elves. There’s even a short story thrown into the mix for you too.

Issue 84 also keeps this trend going, with a little more Aeldari goodness mixed in with a healthy splash of Adeptus Mechanicus lore to go with the figure that comes in this issue: the Skitarii Marshal.

Warhammer 40000 Imperium Delivery 22 Issues 83-86 Issue 84

There’s a brief but comprehensive construction and painting guide for this chap, as well as a far larger wedge of rules, datasheets and ways to play with your AdMech units, should you be feeling the urge to get your followers of the Omnissiah onto the tabletop.

Issue 85 has a good spread of lore across the chunk of its pages. Touching on evgerything from Necrons and Tyranids to Ezekiel and Sammael of the Dark Angels and even the Ynnari, there’s likely something in here for everyone.

Warhammer 40000 Imperium Delivery 22 Issues 83-86 Issue 85

The Hexmark Destroyer who occupies the over of this magazine also dominates the latter half of this issue. With a relatively lengthy build guide by immediate comparison, as well as a thorough painting guide and a good spread of rules and datasheets, adding this tripedal, many-limbed robo-killer to your Necron army will easy business.

Issue 86 also comes with a fold-out dedicated to the (sort of) new guys on the 40K scene: the Leagues of Votann. The yassified Squats of yesteryear have cropped up once before in the series already, but you can learn a bit more about what these guys are up to by way of this insert.

Last but not least, we arrive as Issue 86. There’s another wild mix of lore at the front of this issue, with two Blood Angels heroes detailed, as well as more Tyranids, a look at the ultraviolent Flesh Tearers Space Marines, and a short story that sees the Catachan Jungle Figthers facing off against a horde of Orks.

Warhammer 40000 Imperium Delivery 22 Issues 83-86 Issue 86

Finally, just to get you excited for your final Imperium delivery, there’s a datasheet for your upcoming Dreadnought, as well as another campaign mission for you to sink your teeth into.


Next up, we arrive at the minis. There are three up for grabs in this delivery, as well as one of the three sprues that you’ll need for your dreadnought.

The first mini you’ll build is the Paragon Warsuit Superior – the leader unit for the other two you built after you received Entrega 21. You did build them, right?

Warhammer 40000 Imperium Delivery 22 Issues 83-86 Paragon Warsuit

The final Paragon Warsuit goes together more or less exactly the same as the previous two did. It’s a straightforward enough build, but do be wary of the large number of small and fiddly parts that go into this model – especially the cables that will need to be lined up accurately before they are glued down.

Next up is the Skitarii Marshal. By far the easiest model to assemble in this Delivery – and possibly one of the easiest from the entire subscription – this figure is not only made up of a handful of parts that go together with ease, but rewards you with quite an impressive little model for your (minimal) efforts.

Warhammer 40000 Imperium Delivery 22 Issues 83-86 Skitarii Marshall

Do, however, be wary of sprue gates on his coat. Make sure you shave these off before trying to glue these parts together, or else you might find yourself with some gaps.

Last but not least we have the Hexmark Destroyer. An intimidating, scuttling robo-spider with guns for most of its legs, this devious little figure will be a big draw to Necron fans. It’s not the easiest model to assemble as there are a large number of parts (but we expect this from Necrons by this point!), some of which do overlap and intersect and will require hooking over other components. Stick with it, though, it’s still not half as bad as the Flayed Ones were;. Remember them, all the way back in Issue 15? Mine have been sitting in a box thinking about what they’ve done ever since.

Warhammer 40000 Imperium Delivery 22 Issues 83-86 Hexmark Destroyer

…Let’s also not forget that we’ve got the first of three sprues that we’ll need to build our Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought. We’ll have a closer look at this awesome model next time!

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 22: Issues 83-86 Review – Price and Availability

Delivery 22 doesn’t come with all that many models, so how are the prices?

No problema.Precio de emisión (GBP)Valor total (GBP)Ahorros totales
83£ 8.99£21.25£12.26
84£ 8.99£ 20.00£ 11.01
85£ 8.99£ 22,50£ 13.50
88£ 8.99£ 15.006,01 £
TOTALES£ 35.96£78.75£42.79

And for the US:

No problema.Precio de emisión (USD)Valor total (USD)Ahorros totales

Another round of spectacular savings of over 50% across all these issues will leave collectors very pleased. Whilst there might not be dozens of miniatures in these magazines, what there is retail at high value, so there is some serious cash to be saved here.

Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 22: Issues 83-86 Review – Final Thoughts

Interesting and varied figures
Grandes ahorros
…I want my Dreadnought now!

Whilst the penultimate Imperium Delivery may not be overflowing with plastic goodness, it does offer some seriously sweet savings. Further to this, the figures that are available across these four magazines are both fairly recent releases and great-quality sculpts, so there’s a lot to like here.

We’ll be back next month for our final ever Imperium Delivery Review. See you again then!

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Warhammer 40,000 Imperium Delivery 22: Issues 83-86 Review


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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