Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13: Issues 47-50 Review

Last Updated on Febbraio 20, 2024 by FauxHammer

We’re already a month into 2024, which means it’s time for another round-up of all things Stormbringer. Check out what goodies have been (and are still!) available in our Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13: Issues 47-50 Review.

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13: Issues 47-50 Review – Introduction

We’re almost 10% of the way into 2024 (which seems like far too high a number for my liking – wasn’t it Christmas like yesterday?), which means that as another month arrives so to do the next bunch of Stormbringer magazines from Hachette Partworks.

Let’s have a look at what’s been hitting shelves and doorsteps over the last few weeks.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13: Issues 47-50 Review – Contents

As ever, we’ll kick things off with a quick, spoiler-free look at the content in the magazines before looking at all the other bits and pieces that come with each issue – there’s plenty to get through this month, including some extras for those who subscribe directly from Hachette.

The Magazines

This month’s quartet of regular magazines (for subscribers via Hachette will find there is in fact a fifth magazine) have got plenty of goodies to be getting stuck into over the next few weeks. Issue 47 provides a run-down of Tzeench lore as well as a look at the realm of Chamon. There’s then a build and painting guide for the Nexus Syphon terrain piece, as well as a painting guide for the Primal Lair and Azyrite Fountain, which you might have received a few months back. The issue is rounded off with a quick battleplan to get your models moving and your dice rolling.

Issue 48 opens with a few pages dedicated to the Sylvaneth – both Alarielle the Everqueen, and a short story about some Tree-Revenants who’ve been quite upset by some Stormcast Eternals. The middle section of the magazine is dedicated to building and painting your Boingrot Bounderz, and the magazine is rounded off with another battleplan.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13 Issues 47-50 Magazines

Issue 49 opens with a few sides on Chaos and Death, before barrelling on with building and painting guides for the Spite-Revenants that come with this issue. A few more pages are dedicated to getting you playing games of Age of Sigmar with your models at the end of this magazine, with some more info on the Loonboss you might’ve picked up a few months back. The fold-out insert with this magazine is also dedicated to tactics and playing the game, with more rules and tips on objectives and deployment.

Finally, Issue 50 is dedicated almost entirely to basing your miniatures. Now armed with a M Texture Spreader, a pot of Agrellan Earth, a few hundred spares and other bits from the models you’ve collected, and this guide, you’ll be able to put together some really unique bases for your miniatures.


Issue 47 comes with the rather striking Nexus Syphon, a towering piece of terrain with some swirly arcane mumbo-jumbo suspected in it. It’s quite a fun piece, and makes an excellent centrepiece for any battle.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13 Issues 47-50 Scenery

It’s not too hard to build either. Whilst there are some very similar parts, all contact points are shaped so as to only receive the correct part – so you don’t have to worry about gluing one of the four quarters of the big spherical dome on the top of the model in the wrong place, because you physically can’t.

Issue 48 comes with 5 Boingrot Bounderz. Whilst this kit comes with a surprising number of parts (each squig is made up of 5 parts and each rider 4-5), it’s not too difficult to assemble. Do make sure you tidy up any leftover sprue gates and clean the contact points of these models, or you’ll find components won’t sit together nicely.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13 Issues 47-50 Boingrots

Issue 49 comes with 5 Spite-Revenants. These chaps, whilst striking models once together, can be a little fiddly to assemble at times. A lot of the branches you can see growing out of their shoulders require other parts to be interlocked with them, so make sure you dry fit everything before you add any glue to avoid any sticky disasters.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13 Issues 47-50 Spite-Revenants

And that’s it for models!

Vernici e strumenti

Issue 50 comes with a couple of really useful paints and tools. First off, we have Agrellan Earth, which is a texture paint best used to add a realistic, muddy look to the bases of your miniatures. Pair it with a wash of some Parasole di Agrax (o Seraphim Sepia if you’re after a lighter look) and a drybrushed highlight of Ushabti Bone and you’re on to a winner.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13 Issues 47-50 Paints

The other paint you’ll find yourself receiving this month is Dawnstone. Dawnstone is an excellent paint for highlighting any rocks or stone terrain features, and also makes for an excellent high/extreme highlight for any dark grey or black colours you might be working on your minis.

Of course, to help you get your gritting Agrellan Earth paint onto the bases of your models, Issue 50 also comes with a Texture Spreader tool.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13 Issues 47-50 Texture Paint Spreader

Don’t try to use your regular paintbrushes to apply texture paints – you will ruin them if you do.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13: Issues 47-50 Review – Bonus Soulblight Gravelords Character Pack

Subscribers via Hachette will this month discover an extra magazine in their deliveries (provided you didn’t opt out). Delivery 13 comes with another character pack, this one containing a magazine all about Soulblight Gravelords hero (villain?) Radukar the Wolf.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13 Issues 47-50 Radukar the Beast Character Pack

Radukar made his debut as part of the Warhammer Quest: Cursed City set, where he was the final villain the party of heroes faced during their adventure through the city of Ulfenkarn. Città maledetta was (and still is) a box that was as brilliant as its production and release story is mysterious, as the game disappeared very suddenly after being released with little to no warning, then re-appeared a year or two later.

My Radukar that arrived with this Character Pack, however, didn’t come with the right base.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13 Issues 47-50 Radukar the Beast

Back in 2021 when I finished painted my Città maledetta set, however, I did have a go at taking a scenic photo of Radukar, so here is how he dovrebbero look on a base and with a few paints on him:

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13 Issues 47-50 Radukar the Wolf Painted

A nice model – one that’s got plenty of details on so you can keep testing your painting skills and pushing yourself.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13: Issues 47-50 Review – Price and Availability

February means that the price of all issues of Stormbringer will be increasing by £1 for UK residents. Don’t despair too much, however – there are still plenty of savings to be had.

Emissione n.Prezzo di emissione (GBP)Valore totale (GBP)Risparmio totale (GBP)
Numero 47£ 9.99£35.00*£ 25,01
Numero 48£ 9.99£ 35,00£ 25,01
Numero 49£ 9.99£ 32.50£ 22,51
Numero 50£ 9.99£ 13,70£3.71

…And once again for our friends in the US. We’re not 100% sure if the price rise we in the UK and Europe has happened overseas – if anyone from across the pond could let us know, that’d be fab.

Emissione n.Prezzo di emissione (USD)Valore totale (USD)Risparmio totale (USD)
Numero 47$13.95$44.93*$30.98
Numero 48$13.95$60.00$46.05
Numero 49$13.95$55.00$41.05
Numero 50$13.95$22.60$8.65

Note that the Nexus Syphon that comes with Issue 47 is a discontinued kit – this might be your last chance to grab one.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13: Issues 47-50 Review – Final Thoughts

The GoodThe Bad
Decent savings in spite of the price increase
Good selection of models
Useful paints and tool in Issue 50
A few fiddly bits on the Sylvaneth
Wrong base in with Radukar

February gets off to a decent start with a good Stormbringer all-rounder. A nice selection of minis and a last-chance-to-buy piece of terrain, as well as some genuinely useful paints and tools sees Delivery 13 keeping the high-quality content we’ve come to expect from Warhammer Stormbringer going into 2024.

It’s a shame that Radukar seems to have been packaged with the wrong sized base, but knowing Hachette this will be easy enough to get sorted.

Make sure you head over to Forbidden Planet and have a look at the entire range of Stormbringer magazines on offer – there’s loads of cash to be saved.

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  • VoltorRWH

    Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13: Issues 47-50
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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 13: Issues 47-50


Rob has spent most of the last 20 years playing World of Warcraft and writing stories set in made-up worlds. At some point, he also managed to get a Master's degree by writing about Medieval zombies.

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