Warcry: Bloodhunt Price, Value and Savings Breakdown

Last Updated on février 6, 2023 by FauxHammer

It looks like it’s time again for another Warcry Booster Box. To potentially help you in your decision to buy the box, we’ve done our usual (though unusual for us lately) breakdown of the contents to “estimate” its value. These boxes are normally a great way to get in on some cool action a bit cheaper than what it would cost you to buy the parts individually, but how much cheaper? well, let’s infer the raw costs in our Price, Value and Savings Breakdown for Warcry: Bloodhunt.

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Warcry Bloodhunt: Price, Value and Savings Summary

It’s worth advising, that I don’t get a chance to play these games. The last time I properly had time to play any Warhammer same was back in 2015/2106 when I convinced my wife to have a game of Space Hulk with me. But I know enough to advise you that this is not a game in a box, for those new to Warcry, you can start here, but you will also need a copy of the Warcry: Core Book. The only rules you will find in this set pertain to the specific factions supplied within and the new battles/Campaign.

Chances are, if you are a Warcry fan clamouring for the next bit, you already know you are going to buy this. so the next bit will be unconvincing, but it’s nice to know what we are paying vs what this would probably cost independently of the set.

Claws of Karanak£ 37,50$60.00$75.0050,00 €$105.00
Askurgan Trueblades£ 37,50$60.00$75.0050,00 €$105.00
Valeur totale£159.37$260.00$318.75€209.37$441.25
Bloodhunt Price**110,00 £$185.00**$220.00**€145.00**$310.00**
Économies totales£49.37$75.00$98.75€64.37$131.25
Pourcentage économisé31%29%31%31%30%

*Terrain assumed to be 5 Sprues to match Sundered fate. Price is based on the price of Gnarlwood Watchcamp, Divided by the # of Sprues in that set. Then Multiplied by the number of scenery sprues in this set.
** Based on Warcry: Sundered Fate

So the good thing about Warcry value breakdown is that, unlike the other various boxes we do, I don’t need to break this down into smaller units and their individual value. It’s 2 warbands and some scenery.

And with those warbands, I’ve taken the price of the warbands that have their own Abilities card and fighter cards. As these are likely to do the same upon final release.

The scenery value is a bit hit or miss, I admit I’ve not been close to Warcry, but I’ve not seen some of these scenery pieces before, and couldn’t find any of them when searching games Workshop.com So as mentioned above, I just took the Gnarlwood Watchcampp, the only scenery box I could find available, worked out it had 4 sprues. so divided the price of that box by 4. I’ve assumed there will be 5 Sprues of Scenery in here like Sundered Fate, but some of it is quite large so it could be 6. Which ups the value some more. but this is the worst case.

All-in-all, it’s a fairly typical scenario for large GW boxes to have an inferred 30% discount against individual set purchases – not that you can presently get these sets.

And whilst I said above, this is not a box you can typically start with, Buying this set and the Core book, is actually still cheaper than the Heart of Ghur set that included said tome.

I think you all know by now you can get a heftier reduction on the set by shopping with your local or online FLGS. (please use our affiliate links and codes, so we get a kickback with no further cost to you – sometimes a further discount or reward points back for you). And whilst many argue that the savings are greater with this method and I should reflect that in my breakdown. Well, yeah, this set can be obtained 20% cheaper, but arguably, so can the components that make it. so the value is reduced too. It’s all relative and the saving remains about the same.

Not all stores offer the standard FLGS discount, they vary from store to store with some offering less discount and some even offering more. RRP is fixed, so it’s what we use, if you can snag an even better deal. have at it!

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